Monday, October 13, 2008

Congestive Heart Failure - What is It, What Are the Symptoms, and What Can Help?

The heart has the very tiresome but important job of providing blood to all parts of the body. From the tips of your toes to the scalp in your head, blood is being pumped nonstop. Every cell in the body receives nutrients and eliminates its waste products through the circulatory system of which the heart is the central and crucial 'pump'.
The heart is made of four muscle chambers: the two atria and the two ventricles. The right atrium receives blood coming from the body. Blood goes down to the right ventricle where it is pumped to the lungs for oxygenation. It then goes to the left atrium. After that the left ventricle pumps the blood to the entire body. The left ventricle, having the hardest job of squeezing blood to the entire body, would be the strongest muscle of the four.
Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart is not able to provide enough blood to the body. It can be a weakened heart due to numerous heart attacks or old age. A disease of the heart called cardiomyopathy can also cause congestive heart failure. High blood pressure and even infection in the heart can contribute to this condition. Congestive heart failure is not the heart suddenly stopping; it is just the inefficiency of the heart's output.

Symptoms of Congestive heart failure

The symptoms of heart failure are dependent to the part or side of the heart that is weakened. Knowing how the parts of the heart work and their respective functions, it is easy to understand how failure would be affecting the body and the symptoms they would show.
If the left side of the heart weakens then the supply of the blood being pumped to the body is decreased. The symptoms would be shown in the build up of fluid in the lungs. Fluid build up is unavoidable. This would mean shortness of breath, increased breathlessness and difficulty breathing when lying down.
Now, if the right side of the heart wanes, the fluid build up would be in the extremities. There would be swelling on the lower parts of the body especially on the upper part of the legs and eventually the abdomen. Heart failure on this side is also characterizes by pitting edema. This is where a finger print impression is left when pressed against the swollen leg.
The main treatment for congestive heart failure patients would a change in lifestyle. The diet and even water intake should be adjusted. Sodium increases the retention of fluid in the body. With this increased risk of edema, sodium should be decreased to the minimum. Under the guidance of your physician, fluid intake may be decreased as well. Diuretics may also be given to help eliminate excess fluid in the body. And, although exercise is important, the amount of physical activity should be adjusted to the capacity of the patient's body and be under the direction of your doctor.
There are also nutritional and herbal supplements which can help strengthen the heart and help alleviate the most worrisome symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure.
Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Cert. Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit Health or High Water at where you'll find info to improve your health using nutritional supplements to battle the ravages of time, poor nutrition, & toxins.
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What's the Difference Between Good and Bad Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a vital part of measuring your overall health. While seeking to avoid cholesterol altogether may be a good strategy for some, what some people don't understand is that there is more than one type of cholesterol. Cholesterol is different than other substances because it can't dissolve in the blood stream. It utilizes carriers, called lipoproteins, to transport it. When cholesterol is very high it can build up along the arterial walls, causing blockages. Some cholesterol is called good (or HDL), another type is called bad (or LDL), and then there are also triglycerides and Lp(a) cholesterol.
Good cholesterol, or High Density Lipoproteins (HDL), is vital to health. High levels of this is shown to prevent heart attack, and its believed that HDL is responsible for carrying cholesterol away from arteries and to the liver, its last stop before exiting the body. Experts think that HDL is also responsible for removing excess cholesterol from arterial walls. To increase HDL, eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids or take a fish oil supplement, use a lot of garlic, and eat more walnuts. Losing weight through a healthy diet is another way to assist your body in raising HDL levels. Add exercise to experience quick weight loss.
Bad cholesterol, also called Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL), is what you need to avoid. Too much of this in your blood can line your artery walls and combine with other substances to create plaque. When this occurs, blood cannot flow freely to where it is needed, creating blood clots. If the artery becomes completely blocked, a stroke or heart attack may occur. Stay away from foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat, especially trans fats. If hunger is a real problem, consider using a natural appetite suppressant like hoodia to help with the cravings.
Triglycerides and Lp(a) cholesterol are both things to avoid. Not much is known yet about Lp(a), except that it may be responsible for fatty deposits on artery walls. People with a high total cholesterol, including large amounts of LDL but lower HDL usually have a high amount of triglycerides in their system. Other contributors include obesity, cigarette smoking, lack of physical activity, and poor diet. Many times people who already have diabetes or heart disease have a high level of triglycerides.
Susan Patterson has been studying alternative medicine and health for over 10 years. She loves to write to help others, especially in the area of quick weight loss, which can be accomplished safely. She has found several herbal remedies to be effective in her journey to better health without the side effects that medications cause. She is particularly passionate about hoodia for weight loss.
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A Vegetarian Lifestyle Change - The Anxiety is Understandable - Heart Disease is a Killer!

So you've decided to make the change to a vegetarian diet. It's understandable that you will feel some anxiety as we are creatures of habit and resistant to change.
To make you feel at ease it's important to point out the benefits of the decision you have taken to eventually eliminate all meat and animal products from your diet. For example, you should know that a vegetarian person has a much less chance of contracting many forms of cancer such as colon, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer as well as heart disease.
A study of women in Japan who follow western style, meat-based diets, showed that they are eight times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who follow the more traditional vegetarian lifestyle.
Another study concluded that if men and women regularly consume quantities of red meat they increase their risk of colon cancer by approximately 300 percent. Our digestive system is more likely to function properly by obtaining the kind of dietary fiber provided by fruits,vegetables, legumes and nuts. Diseases of the bowel occur a lot less frequently in humans following a vegetarian diet due to the increased fiber content in a vegetarian meal.
If you are someone who has had a recent health scare it is understandable that you will feel the need to change your eating habits immediately. It is a fact that if you don't make a dramatic change all at once, you'll have a much greater chance of long term success.
Start by increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables you eat and at the same time look to reducing the red meat you are eating on a weekly basis. Vegetables and grains should become the main part of your meal with meat as a side dish. Remember, you are making a change to last a lifetime, so make it natural and gradual with the goal of enjoying many years of healthy living.
Now it's time for you to start your vegetarian journey by finding some recipes to begin the education process. Take your time to experiment with the different ingredients and ways you can prepare your meals. You will find them to be wholesome, delicious and enjoyable by all members of the family. Let's hope they will realize as well, the importance and benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.
Bill Hansen is a writer and researcher on vegetarian food and recipes. To receive your instant access on various vegetarian food issues please visit
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Life After Experiencing a Heart Attack

We are all too familiar with the phrases heart disease, heart attack and heart failure. More and more often the people that we know and love are succumbing to these life threatening heart relates issues. The more that we educate ourselves the better we can help prevent them from happening to us. But what if we can't prevent it and we find ourselves experiencing these dreadful traumas? The best we can do is to educate ourselves once again on how we are going to get through these tough times at the Dwight hospital.
When it comes to talking about having a heart attack, the most important thing that we should all know is what the symptoms of one are. A rapid or irregular heartbeat, extreme weakness or shortness of breath, discomfort in the chest or arm or even a feeling of heart burn can all be symptoms of a heart attack. While these are all good things to know, you should also keep in mind that your symptoms might be different than those listed here.
A heart attack in simple terms is the actual permanent damage to a part of the heart. When a part of the heart becomes starved for oxygen due to some type of blockage, that part of the heart's muscle cells will actually die, resulting in permanent damage and a heart attack. The heart muscle actually begins to heal itself soon after the heart attack occurs and a scar will be left where the damaged tissue was. Due to the new scar on the heart it will not pump as efficiently as it would have before the heart attack.
The most important thing when experiencing a heart attack is to get treatment as soon as possible. If you feel that you could be having a heart attack you need to make sure you get to the Dwight Illinois hospital as soon as you possibly can. The longer that the blockage is left in place the larger the amount of damage to the heart will be. There are several treatment options when it comes to a heart attack. Your doctor may decide to insert a stent into your heart to open the artery. Your doctor could also decide that what you need is heart bypass surgery. These are just a couple of options and your doctor should discuss with you which option would suit you better.
Once you experience a heart attack the best thing that you can do for yourself is to keep yourself healthy. Take all prescribed medication, eat healthful foods, exercise regularly and see your doctor for frequent heart checkups. Once you have experienced a heart attack and are lying in the Bourbonnais hospital the odds are pretty good that you will want to do whatever it takes to keep yourself from going through this ordeal again. Just make sure to take extra good care of yourself from now on!
So if you are looking for more information on the Dwight Hospital or the Bourbonnais Hospital, be sure to check out Riverside Medical Center. Riverside Medical Center can provide you with with all you need to know about their Dwight Illinois Hospital.
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Heart Bypass Surgery - Some Information That May Be Helpful

When your arteries become too clogged with fat, cholesterol and other substances, the blood flow to your heart becomes decreased and may even stop altogether. This condition can either lead to a heart attack or to chest pain. When this becomes the case you are going to need heart bypass surgery.
The surgery entails precisely what the name suggests. Your arteries need to bypass the clogged areas allowing for greater blood flow. This is done by creating an entirely new path for the arteries to follow. The new path usually comes from a blood vessel taken from a different part of the body. A person may undergo one, two, three or even more depending on how severe the blockage turns out to be.
After your heart bypass surgery, your heart rate and blood pressure will be monitored for approximately the next 12 to 24 hours while you are still on a breathing tube. If you seem to be progressing well, your doctors may decide to remove the breathing tube and wake you from the anesthesia. You will most likely be kept in the hospital for about a week while your doctors perform more tests. And just like any other surgery and incisions that the doctor has to make you will most likely be quite tender. If you are in the Chicago area the coal city hospital would be a good place to check out.
The most important thing to remember during your recovery period as well as for the rest of your life is to eat foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. You should also make sure to get some sort of light exercise in throughout your day. Slowly but surely you will be able to get back into your old workout routines, if you had any. If you were previously a smoker you will need to quit in order to keep your heart and body as healthy as possible.
One major thing you should keep in mind when it comes to your heart bypass surgery is that while it sounds safe enough, there are still several risks that you should consider. No one is guaranteed to come out of a heart bypass surgery flawlessly.
So if you do find yourself or a loved one in need of heart bypass surgery just remember how serious of a procedure this actually is. If you or your loved one is having their heart bypass surgery at a Coal City Illinois hospital, you can be rest assured that they are getting the best care possible. The health of your body and heart should be your number one concern when it comes to your health. Doing your best by eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise will help to reduce the risk that you will end up having heart bypass surgery.
If you are looking for more information on having a heart bypass surgery or the coal city hospital, be sure to check out Riverside Medical Center today. Riverside Medical Center can provide you with all the information you need about their coal city Illinois hospital as well.
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Prevention of Heart Disease and Stroke - Start With the Less Salty Way

You can prevent heart disease and stroke by reducing your consumption of salt. Do you know that you can lessen your chances of dying from heart disease or stroke by reducing your consumption of salt by just half a teaspoon a day? A joint report on diet,nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases by experts from the World Health Organization(WHO) and the Food & Agriculture Organization(FAO),states that a 3g reduction in daily salt intake would result in a 20% drop in deaths from stroke. As for heart disease,the drop would be 15%.
The good news is that reducing your salt intake is much easier than implementing other limitations in diet or doing some special exercise routines. It is easier and very effective. Moreover,salt intake,blood pressure and hypertension are closely related. Those suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure,are usually advised to control or reduce their intake of salt. A more important note is that hypertension is the single biggest risk factor for heart disease and stroke.
Heart disease and stroke affect a billion people worldwide. Together with high cholesterol and glucose levels,smoking,insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables,being obese and overweight,accounts for about 80% of deaths due to heart disease and stroke. The two common factors that lead to heart disease and stroke are an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Therefore,small changes to diet and exercising regularly will have a huge impact in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
In effecting changes in diet and exercise,it is important to ensure that the selected programs have been proven effective. Additionally,in terms of diet,the preference should be on one that is simple and offers as many variations as possible. Such a diet will be easy to follow and sustainable in the long term. This will ensure that any weight loss that the diet achieves in the short term can be maintained over the long term.
Another point to note is that smoking,heart disease and stroke are closely linked. It is well documented that smoking is also associated to a number of other serious diseases. Of these,lung and mouth cancer are of particular concern. The best option for those at risk is to quit smoking. To do so, they can make it easier on themselves by using one of several leading products that have helped thousands to quit smoking.
Take control. Take charge. Decide on being healthier and enjoy a better quality of life. Heart disease and stroke are life threatening conditions. Deal with it by selecting a diet system that is a leader in the weight loss industry. The system has proven effective as it includes simple weight loss exercises aimed at better caloric burn. See the review,get your free guide to the 5 secrets that weight loss companies do not want you to know,use the potential weight loss calculator and start feeling better.
If you smoke,do yourself a favor by visiting our quit smoking site by clicking on the link in the main article. The information and product reviews will enable you to quit smoking with confidence and full assurance. The products reviewed have helped thousands to quit the habit. Join them and enjoy the benefits. Reduce your risk to heart disease and stroke. Start today. Delay is not an option as your health is at stake.
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How to Raise HDL - The Good Cholesterol

Finally, you want more of something instead of less! HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is also known as the "good" cholesterol. HDL removes cholesterol from your bloodstream and carries it back to the liver. I like to think of HDL as a vacuum cleaner, picking up cholesterol LDL leaves behind in your arteries. HDL should be greater than 40 mg/dL, ideally greater than 60 mg/dL.
Physical Activity
One of the best ways to increase your HDL is through physical activity, specifically aerobic activity (jogging, swimming, biking, etc.). For results, you need at least 120 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. In this case, vigorous activity does not have more of an impact, but duration does. The longer you work out the greater them impact on HDL. Work your way up to a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days/week. If you're not currently physically active, consult your MD before starting an exercise program.
Saturated and Trans Fats
Limiting unhealthy fats will also impact HDL, so look at your saturated fat and trans fat intake and see where you can make cuts. Your total fat intake for the day should be limited to 30% of your daily calories. Of this 30%, only 10% should be from saturated fat and ideally zero from trans fats. To attain these levels you'll need to select healthy choices when dining out, read food labels, cook with healthy fats, and select lean cuts of meat.
Omega 3's
Selecting healthy fats, such as omega 3's, will raise HDL while lowering LDL. Incorporating healthy omega 3 fatty acids will also improve your total cholesterol to HDL ratio.
Dietary Fiber
A high fiber diet does not directly boost HDL levels. However, a high fiber diet does lower LDL cholesterol. As LDL is lowered, your Total Cholesterol to HDL ratio improves. For the greatest impact, eat a diet especially rich in soluble fiber and select whole grain products, fruits, and vegetables daily.
Alcohol plays a role in raising HDL levels also. I'm not a big advocate of using alcohol to raise HDL, but if you already consume alcohol, 1-2 drinks per day can raise levels. More than 1-2 drinks per day will increase your health problems. If you do not drink, do not start.
Now, receive free heart health and weight loss tips from dietitian Lisa Nelson when you subscribe to The Heart of Health and grab your FREE subscriber exclusive report "Stop Wasting Money - Take Control of Your Health" today!
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